A whiteboard session was done based on the design challenge that was given by the design team.
• Interviewed with 3 users all female and are working together at the same company.
• Team members enjoy going out for lunch and dinners.
• Team members use different apps to view restaurant reviews and to coordinate.
• Difficult to organize the team and it takes time to do this.
• The team cannot make unanimous decisions or one person might end up as the decision maker.
• Even with the use of emails, text messages, and Microsoft Teams there is a lack of response to invitations.
• It's difficult to coordinate a team lunch/dinner events with visiting remote employees.
Based on the feedback during the white boarding session, there were three themes that appeared: the team felt it (1) takes a lot of time and effort to organize the group, (2) miscommunication and the lack of response can be frustrating, and (3) everyone wants to agree and be happy with the choices that are made.

After synthesizing my notes taken from the whiteboard session, I developed a Persona along with a short scenario that would represent a 'typical user's personality' to further understand their goals, personality, motivations, along with frustrations and how the TeamUp app could fill-in those pain-points.

Using the persona, I sketched out a rough outline of the user's journey as they searched for a local restaurant and also needed to send invites about the activity to others. Using this outline, helped to establish a foundation to what screens were needed and how would they interact with one another. To check if the flow would be possible and would make sense to the user, I rendered out the low-fidelity wireframes from my sketches and built out a prototype using Adobe XD for initial testing.
From the initial prototype test I discovered that there were two flows needed: (1) for the user (host) searching for a venue and sending invites to the event and (2) a user (invitee) accepting/"voting" for the event.